

Paroles Nine Inch Nails, chansons et traductions

Nine Inch Nails
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Biographie de Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails (NIN ou NIИ) est un groupe de rock industriel formé à Cleveland, US en 1988.
La composition du groupe a constamment évolué depuis les premières tournées en 1988.
En 2013, il est composé de Trent Reznor (chant/guitare/basse/claviers/synthétiseurs), Eric Avery (basse depuis 2013), Adrian Belew (guitare depuis 2013), Josh Eustis (depuis 2013), Alessandro Cortini (claviers/synthétiseurs/guitare/basse de 2004 à 2008, depuis 2013), Ilan Rubin (batterie en 2009 et depuis 2013).
Leur premier album 'Pretty Hate Machine' est sorti en 1989.

1988 Purest Feelings
03. Maybe Just Once
07. Purest Feelings
1989 Pretty Hate Machine
01. Head Like A Hole
02. Terrible Lie
03. Down In It
04. Sanctified
05. Something I Can Never Have
06. Kinda I Want To
07. Sin
08. That's What I Get
09. The Only Time
10. Ringfinger
1989 Sin
03. Get Down Make Love
1991 Solid Gold Hell
05. Now I'm Nothing
1992 Broken
02. Wish
03. Last
05. Happiness In Slavery
06. Gave Up
07. Physical (you're So)
08. Suck
1992 Fixed
04. Throw This Away
1994 March Of The Pigs
03. All The Pigs, All Lined Up
1994 The Downward Spiral
01. Mister Self-Destruct
02. Piggy
03. Heresy
04. March Of The Pigs
05. Closer
06. Ruiner
07. The Becoming
08. I Do Not Want This
09. Big Man With A Gun
11. Eraser
12. Reptile
13. The Downward Spiral
14. Hurt
05. Dead Souls (Bonus Disc)
1994 Closer To God [Single]
01. Closer To God
05. Memorabilia
1994 The Crow [BO]
04. Dead Souls (Bonus Disc)
1994 Natural Born Killers [BO]
08. Burn
1997 Lost Highway [BO]
03. The Perfect Drug
1999 Things Falling Appart
00. Starfucker Inc (mix Adrian Sherwood)
01. Slipping Away
08. Metal
1999 The Fragile
01. Somewhat Damaged
02. The Day The World Went Away
04. The Wretched
05. We're In This Together
06. Fragile
08. Even Deeper
10. No, You Don't
11. La Mer
12. The Great Below
01. The Way Out Is Through
02. Into The Void
03. Where Is Everybody
05. Please
06. Starfuckers Inc.
08. I'm Looking Forward To Joining You Finally
09. The Big Come Down
10. Underneath It All
02. Complications Of The Flesh
1999 We're in This Together [Single]
02. 10 Miles High
03. The New Flesh
2001 Tomb Raider [BO]
02. Deep
2002 And All That Could Have Been [Live]
07. And All That Could Have Been
2005 With Teeth
01. All The Love In The World
02. You Know What You Are?
03. The Collector
04. The Hand That Feeds
05. Love Is Not Enough
06. Everyday Is Exactly The Same
07. With Teeth
08. Only
09. Getting Smaller
10. Sunspots
11. The Line Begins To Blur
12. Beside You In Time
13. Right Where It Belongs
14. Home
2006 Live Radio
00. Final Solution (feat. Bauhaus)
00. Head Like A Hole (feat. Bauhaus)
00. Night Clubbing (feat. Bauhaus)
2007 Year Zero
02. The Beginning Of The End
03. Survivalism
04. The Good Soldier
05. Vessel
06. Me, I'm Not
07. Capital G
08. My Violent Heart
09. The Warning
10. God Given
11. Meet Your Master
12. The Greater Good
13. The Great Destroyer
15. In This Twilight
16. Zero Sum
2008 The Slip
02. 1,000,000
04. Discipline
07. Lights In The Sky
10. Demon Seed
2013 Hesitation Marks
02. Copy of A
Nine Inch Nails Jamais Endisqués
Not So Pretty Now
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Vos commentaires

Joh4n Il y a 11 an(s) 3 mois à 16:11
5254 2 2 4 Joh4n Allez, un petit effort svp pour le petit dernier : Hesitations Marks, merci d'avance ;)
RobinM Il y a 11 an(s) 2 mois à 18:17
5253 2 2 4 RobinM Je m'en charge :D
Joh4n Il y a 9 an(s) 3 mois à 13:30
5254 2 2 4 Joh4n Toujours pas ?
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