

Paroles officielles de la chanson «I Don't Mind If You Forget Me» :

Albums :

Paroles officielles de la chanson "I Don't Mind If You Forget Me"

I dont mind
I dont mind if you forget me
Having learned my lesson
I never left an impression on anyone

So now you send me your hardened regards
When once youd send me love
Sincerely I must tell you
Your mild best wishes
They make me suspicious

I dont mind
I dont mind if you forget me
Having learned my lesson
I never left an impression on anyone
The pressure to change, to move on
Was strange
And very strong
So this is why I tell you
I really do understand
Bye bye

I dont mind if you forget me
No no no no no no no

You can only be strong for so long
It may not eat you but it will beat you
So this is why I tell you
I really dont understand
This time

Rejection is one thing
But rejection from a fool
Is cruel
Rejection is one thing
But rejection from a fool
Is cruel
And I dont mind if you forget me
I dont mind if you forget me