

Paroles et traduction de la chanson «Lullaby» par The Mitch Hansen Band

Lullaby (Berceuse)

The Mitch Hansen Band s'inspire de la saga de Stephenie Meyer pour écrire ses chansons.
Celle ci parle de l'amour Edward / Bella, du point de vue d'Edward.

Being made of stone
Etre fait de pierre te rendra fort
Will make you strong
J'ai été seul pendant si longtemps
I've been alone for oh-so long
Et tu étais l'Esprit silencieux
And there you were
La beauté que je pensais ne jamais trouver.
Silent mind

Beauty that I thought I'd never find
Quelque chose d'étrange s'est produit.

Et je ne sais pas quoi faire
Something strange is happening
Je n'avais pas senti mon coeur battre ainsi depuis 90 ans.
And I don't know what to do
J'aime la façon dont tu me regardes
I haven't felt my heart beat in over ninety years
Quand tu penses que personne ne peux te voir
I love the way you look at me
Je me sens différent quand tu es près de moi.
When you're thinking no one else can see

I feel like someone different when you're near
Dors maintenant

Et serre moi fort
So sleep now
Tout ira bien
And hold me tight
Reste juste allongée et repose tes yeux fatigués
Everything will be all right
Sois tranquille
Just lay down and rest your weary eyes
Tu es en sécurité avec moi
Calm down
Je t'aime plus que tu ne peux le voir
You're safe with me
Tu as besoin de repos
I love you more than you can see
Et je t'ai écrit cette berceuse
You need your rest
And so I wrote you this

Quelqu'un ayant une âme
Aurait il autant de mal a garder le contrôle
L'éternité peut attendre quelques temps

La façon dont tu rougis lorsque tu souris me manque.
Could someone who

Has a soul
[ Reprises]
Have such a hard time staying

In control


Can wait awhile

I'll miss the way you blush

When you smile

Something strange is happening

And I don't know what to do

I haven't felt my heart beat in over ninety years

I love the way you look at me

When you're thinking no one else can see

I feel like someone different when you're near

So sleep now

And hold me tight

Everything will be all right

Just lay down and rest your weary eyes

Calm down

You're safe with me

I love you more than you can see

You need your rest

And so I wrote you this





Something strange is happening

And I don't know what to do

I haven't felt my heart beat in over ninety years

I love the way you look at me

When you're thinking no one else can see

I feel like someone different when you're near

So sleep now

And hold me tight

Everything will be all right

Just lay down and rest your weary eyes

Calm down

You're safe with me

I love you more than you can see

You need your rest

And so I wrote you this





Could someone who

Has a soul

Have such a hard time staying

In control


Can wait awhile

I'll miss the way you blush

When you smile

Something strange is happening

And I don't know what to do

I haven't felt my heart beat in over ninety years

I love the way you look at me

When you're thinking no one else can see

I feel like someone different when you're near

So sleep now

And hold me tight

Everything will be all right

Just lay down and rest your weary eyes

Calm down

You're safe with me

I love you more than you can see

You need your rest

And so I wrote you this





Publié par 5337 2 2 5 le 8 janvier 2009 à 19h57.
Chanteurs : The Mitch Hansen Band
Albums : Twilight Hour

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