

Paroles et traduction de la chanson «Trapped In The Closet(1-5)» par R. Kelly

Trapped In The Closet(1-5) ()

Trapped in the closet / Enfermé dans le placard

Trapped in the closet est un tout nouveau genre de chanson lance par r. kelly se sont des chapitres qui nous laissent en haleine de telle sorte qu'on a hate d'ecouter la suite j'ai decider d'expliquer 3 des chapitres
Pour mieux expliquer la chanson j'ai decider de mettre en scene
Des personages il y'aura
R kelly
Keisha : la fille qui trompe son mari
Marcus le mari de dey
Dey : la vrai copine de r kelly

Allez lets go

R. kelly commence en disant qu'il est 7 heures du matin et l'ai raillons du soleil le reveille, il s'etire et baille dans un lit qui ne lui apartient pas
Et une voix sensuelle lance :
? Good morning, darlin ? : bonjour cheri
La voix provient de la douche
Puis la personne sort de la douche et l'embrasse

And to my surprise, she ain't you
Il constate que ce n'est pas dey sa copine
Alors il a ce regard idiot l'air de dire qu'est ce que j'ai foutu
Il se demande comment il a pu etre aussi bete au point de rester dans ce lit etranger jusqu'au matin
Il se dit interieurement :
"ai je perdu la notion du temps ? de la boite on est venu ici j'avais pas l'intentien de rester aussi longtemps... . "

Alors il s'habille rapidement et en meme temps essaye de trouver une explication pour sa copine
Il s'empare de ses cles et se dirige vers la porte quand son amante l'arette
Il lui demande de le laisser partir parce qu'il a une femme a la maison
C'est la que keisha lui avoue que so mari est en train de monter les escaliers qui mene a leur appartement et il n'y a pas d'issue ils se croiseront a coup sur...
Keisha lui demande alors de se cacher dans le placard et de en pas faire de bruit sinon il se ferra taper a coup sur
Kelly propose alors de passer par la fenetre mais petit inconveniant ils sont au 5 eme etage
Alors kelly se cache et se demande interieurement comment il sortira de ce petrin
C'est alors que marcus entre embrasse sa femme et lui avoue qu'elle lui a manquer alors la fille joue bien la comedie en lui disant qu'elle
Lui a cuisiner qu'elque chose et qu'elle lui a preparer un bain chaud
Kelly de son placard est stupefait :

'm tellin' you now, this girl's so good that she deserves an Oscar : je vous jure la meuf etait telement bien qu'on lui donnerait un oscar

Alors marcus jette keisha sur le lit et essaye de la deshabiller, et la le telephone de kelly sonne alors
Il se debat comme il peut pour le mettre sur vibreur mais en reussit pas
Marcus se rend compte que quelque chose ne vas pas et il est determiner a trouver quoi
Kelly dans son placard prie pour que marcus ne pense pas a fouiller dans le placard
Alors marcus rentre dans la douche et se met a fouiller keisha le rapelle a elle
Mais il lui dit de la fermer
Il regarde dans la salle de bain et elle se mord nerveusement les ongles
Et il revient dans la chambre
(kelly transpire comme pas possible )
Il regarde sous le lit, , puis sous la commode
Il regarde le placard
(kelly s'empare de son arme)
Il marche en direction du placard
Il est devant le placard
Il ouvre le placard

Fin de la premiere partie dans le clip on voit r. kelly face a marcus
Les deux hommes se jaugent marcus examine kelly pour etre sur qu'il ne le
Connait pas

Marcus regarde kelly comme si
Il regardait sa propre ombre dans le mirroir
Keisha essaye d'expliquer marcus dit avoir clairement compris que
Deriere son dos dans son lit dans sa maison...
Kelly le stoppe en lui disant qu'il ne savait pas que la fille avait un copain il l'a rencontrer en boite et il est rentrer avec elle
Marcus dit a kelly qu'il supose que keisha a oublier de lui dire qu'il etait pasteur
Kelly s'etonne de cette vie de debauche venant d'une famille chretienne
(kelly tient son flingue en main) marcus explique alors a kelly qu'il l'aurait tuer si il n'etait pas arme
Puis marcus sentant le moments propiuces aux revelations apelle qu'elqu'un et lui dit de monter
Kelly menace de le tuer il dit qu'il va compter a 4
1, marcus dit a kelly d'attendre
(kelly compte) 2, keisha le suplie de ne pas tirer
3, marcus le supplie de ne pas tirer
4, keisha crie... .
Marcus ouvre la porte et sa petite amie est un homme
Alors il s'apercoive que la femme en question est un homme le mari de keisha est donc homosexuel
R. kelly ainsi que keisha sont choques alors tout s'embrouille kelly veut partir mais keisha le retient en lui
Demandant de rester la pour le denouement de l'histoire tous s'embrouille alors dans un quiproquo impossible kelly
Se souvient alors qu'il est meme pas chez lui alors il decide d'apeller chez lui
Et un homme decroche le telephone
Il sort alors de chez keisha et marcus sans poser aucune question

Fin de la deuxieme partie (chapitre 3-4)
Kelly appuie sur l'accelerateur pour arriver chez lui

Il file comme pas possible avec des flammes dans les yeux il pense a sa reaction en voyant son rival
Il dit qu'il a été trop aveugle de ne pas s'apercevoir que sa copine
Il est tellement occupé a echaffaudé son plan qu'il ne voit pas la police l'areter
Il explique a l'agent apres cette ranger sur le cvoté qu'il a une urgence l'agent lui repond
Que sa conduite produira d'autres urgences si il ne se calme pas alors il lui donne une contravention kelly n'en a rien a foutre parce qu'il doit regler
Ses compte alors il s'empresse de redemarer

Kelly arive a la maison passe par deriere il a l'impression de voir sa femme en train de faire l'amour avec un autre homme il tire le rideau de douche
Mais se rend compte que son imagination lui a joué un tour
Il dit a dey qu'il a apeler et qu'un homme a decrocher le telephone dey lui dit de se calmer et lui demande si il a oublier que son frere a elle avait squatter la veille
Il lui presente des escuses et elle dit que ce n'est pas grave elle comprend qu'il soit fatigué et ne lui demande aucune explication
Il l'a embrassé et il se sont dirigés vers la chambre il a mis de la musique en marche et les deux s'appretait
A ratraper son absence de la veille romantiquement
Et a un moment dey a vu le preservatif qu'elle a utilisé avec son amant donc elle decide d'accelerer la cadence avec son cheri
Il lui demande d'areter car il en peut plus mais elle en atendant de se mettre mes idées en place cherche a le distraire
Alors elle continue alors kelle la pousse se leve et pousse la couverture et trouve un preservatif dans son lit
Apres l'avoir menacé dey lui avoue qu'elle sait ou il a dormi et avec qui parce qu'elle etait la dans la boite
Kelly dit qu'il croyait qu'elle etait avec ses copines
Dey lui reponds qu'elle croyait qu'il etait avec son pote
Kelly lui dit de ne pas changer de sujet car le sujet est que quelqu'un est venu dans sa maison
Kelly la menace encore elle lui dit que l'homme avec lequel elle le trompe lui a été presenté par sa meilleure amie c'est un ami d'enfance du fiancé de sa meilleur amie
Et celui çi est le policier qui l'a areté pour exes de vitesse

R. kelly realise donc que tout ceçi est ridicule il eclate de rire et sa meuf le suit, il lui explique tout ce qui c'est pasé et les deux eclate de rire
Mais le policie inquiet, reviens
A suivre... .

Seven o'clock in the morning
Voir explication
And the rays from the sun awakes me

I'm stretchin' and yawnin'

In a bed that don't belong to me

And a voice yells, ? Good morning, darlin ? , from the bathroom

Then she comes out and kisses me

And to my surprise, she ain't you

Now I've got this dumb look on my face

Like, what have I done ?

How could I be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun ?

Must of Lost the track of time

Oh, what was on my mind ?

From the club, went to her home

Didn't plan to stay that long

Here I am, quickly tryin' to put on my clothes

Searching for my car keys

Tryin' to get on up out the door

Then she streched her hands in front of it

Said, ? You can't go this way ?

Looked at her, like she was crazy

Said, ? Woman move out my way ?

Said, ? I got a wife at home ?

She said, ? Please don't go out there ?

? Lady, I've got to get home ?

She said, her husband was comin' up the stairs

? Shh, shh, quiet

Hurry up and get in the closet ?

She said, ? Don't you make a sound

Or some shit is going down ?

I said, ? Why don't I just go out the window ? ?

? Yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor ?

? Shit think, shit think, shit quick, put me in the closet ?

And now I'm in this darkest closet, tryin' to figure out

Just how I'm gonna get my crazy ass up out this house

Then he walks in and yells, ? I'm home ?

She says, ? Honey, I'm in the room ?

Walks in there with a smile on his face

Sayin', ? Honey, I've been missin' you ?

She hops all over him

And says, ? I've cooked and ran your bath water ?

I'm tellin' you now, this girl's so good that she deserves an Oscar

Rolls her in the bed

And start to snatchin' her clothes off

I'm in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on ?

You're not gonna believe it

But things get deeper as the story goes on

Next thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phone

I tried my best to quickly put it on vibrate

But from the way he acted, I could tell it was too late

He hopped up and said, ? There's a mystery going on

And I'm gonna solve it ?

And I'm like, ? God please, don't let this man

Open this closet ?

He walks in the bathroom

And looks behind the door

She says, ? Baby, come back to bed ?

He says, ? Bitch say no more ?

He pulls back the shower curtain

While she's biting her nails

Then he walks back to the room

Right now, I'm sweating like hell

Checks under the bed

Then under the dresser

He looks at the closet

I pull out my Baretta

He walks up to the closet

He comes up to the closet

Now he's at the closet

Damn he's opening the closet ?


Now he's staring at me like

As if he was starin in a mirror

She yells honey let me explain

He says you don't have to go no further

I can clearly see what's goin on

Behind my back, in my bed, in my home

Then I said wait a minute now hold on

I said mister we can work this out

She said honey don't lose control

Tried to get him to calm down

He said ho I should've known

That you would go and do some bogus shit up in my house

But the Christian in me gave you the benefit of the doubt

I said we need to resolve this

Then he stepped to me, I'm like whoa

There's a reason I'm in this closet

He says, yeah like what, are you talkin clothes

I met this girl at the Plagis club

And she told me she didn't have a man

Then he said man please,

I'd kill you if you didn't have that gun in ya hand

And I said but yo chick chose me

He said don't give me that mack shit please

His phone goes off and then things get a little more interesting

He steps a little closer

I point my gun and says I'm not the one you after

He says son I bet you didn't know my man

Did she tell you that I was a pastor

I said well good that's betta right

Why can't we handle this Christian- like

And I started to put the gun down

Til I saw his face still had that frown

She started cryin, sayin baby I'm sorry

Then he said baby not as sorry as you're gonna be

I started inchin out He says no I want you to see this

Said I gotta get out this house He said not til I reveal my secret

I'm like what is goin on inside his head Then he takes his phone and calls somebody up and says



Turn the car around

Listen I just need for you to get right back here now (Click)

He looks at me and says well since we're all comin out the closet

I'm not about to be the only one that's broken hearted

She said what do you mean

And he said just wait and see I said somebody betta talk to me

And then his phone rings

He picks up and somebody says sweetheart I'm downstairs

And he's like I'll buzz you up

I'm on the fifth floor, hurry take the stairs And I'm like who is this mystery lady

That you're talking to

He says in time you both will know The shockin truth

Baby this is something I been wanting to get off my chest for a long, long time

Then I said nigga Imma shoot you both if you don't say what's on ya mind

He said wait I hear somebody comin up the stairs

And I'm lookin at the door

He says I think you betta sit down in the chair

I says I'm gonna count to four

1, he says mister wait

2, she says please don't shoot

3, he says don't shoot me

4, she screams Then a knock at the door,

The guns in my hands He opens the door, Icant belive it's a man... man... . man

Chapter 3 :

Well, here we are the four of us,

In total shock me and her,

I close my mouth, and swollow spit,

As I'm thinking to myself this is some deep shit,

Then I said so your gonna tell me he's the one

You've been talking to,

He says yes, I says no, he says yes, I says no,

He says it's the truth,

I yell "all of ya'll asses crazy,

Let me up out this door", cause this is way

More than I bargoned for,

And then she says wait,

I'm sure we can all fix this, then I said i'm late,

Cuz I ain't got a damn thing to do with this... . .

Then she said wouldn't you like to know

Just how it all began,

Then I thought to myself and said quick you got 3 minutes,

Then it got real quite,

I said somebody start talkin,

And then she said "My God Ruphus, I got just one question,


He looked at her and said bitch please you got

Yo nerve, with all yo club poppin'

Lying sayin' you was shoppin',

And now here you are in

Our home, and you calling

Me wrong, she said ok you busted me,

And that much I agree,

You caught me cheating,

But this a little extreme,

He said you are my wife,

Sleeping behind my back,

And now I come home and you got him in the closet,

How extreme is that ? ... ...

She says but she's a he,

Then he says please you can't judge me,

She says Ruphus this is crazy,

And I said stop arguing,

I did not stay here to hear yall chew

Each other out, so get to the point,

Or I swear I'm out, excuse me please,

But I think I can explain what's going in

Here, my name is Chuck, and I've been

Knowin' Ruphus for bout a year,

At midnight creeping around with him it's been a living hell,

Sneaking in and out of hotels,

I said brother spare me

The details, then Ruphus said Chuck please,

Don't say nothin' else, then she screams Ruphus

You son of a bitch,

And he says Cathy go to hell,

I said I thought you name was Mary,

That's what you said at the party,

Man this is getting scary,

I'm gonna shoot somebody... ...

Then Ruphus starts yellin' and screaming

Saying Cathy this is all yo fault,

She throws a pillow at him

And says you was creepin' too the only difference

Is you didn't get caught,

Chuck screams out we're in love

Cathy says love my a**

Ruphus says we're gettin' married

Then I shoot one in the air,

Then I say not another one of

You sons of b***hes say a word,

Cause all of this shit I'm going through

Is unheard, grab my celluar,

Sayin' this is so wrong,

Call up my home,

And a man picks up the phone... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Chapter 4 :

Now I'm dashin home

Doin 85

Swervin lane to lane

Wit fire in my eyes

I got a million thoughts

Goin through my mind

I'm thinkin about what imma do and who I'm gonna do it to when I get home

How could I have been so blind

And then I look in my rear view

I cannot believe this

(Whoo whoo whoo)

Damn, here comes a police man

He drove right up on me and flashed his light

Then I pulled over without thinkin twice

He hopped out the car and walked over to me

And said license and registration please

I looked up at him and said

Officer, is there somethin wrong

He said no, except you were were doin 85 in a 60 mile zone

Then I said officer

Let me explain please

Ya see the truth of the matter is

Is that I got an emergency

He said no excuses

And no exceptions

He flicks his cigarette

And then gives me the ticket

Said have a nice day and walked away

I said yeah right and drove away

Then I turned my radio on

And did 70 all the way home

I pulled up in the driveway

Hopped out and slammed the car door

Then go in through the back

Bust up in the house and she screamin

Whats all that for

Then I'm like woman I called this house

And a man picked up my phone

She says said calm down

Did you forget

My brother Twan came home


And thats all I could say was oh

Wit a stupid look on my face

Said I forgot he came home today

And she said thats okay

Because honey I understand

She said you dont have to explain

Then I took her by the hand

I kissed her and then we went to the room

Then I turned some music on

Apologized one more time

Then went down and start gettin it on

And she started bitin her lip

Grabbing me and makin noise

Now we makin love and she's my ear whisperin

It's all yours

I said I love you

And she said I love you, too

Then a tear fell up out my eye

Then I called her my sunshine

And then she looked at me

And said baby go deeper please

And thats when I start goin crazy

Like I was tryin to give her a baby

The room feels like its spinnin

We keep turnin and turnin

As if we were in a whirlwind

The way our toes are curlin

The next thing ya know, she starts goin real wild

And starts screamin my name

Then I said baby, we must slow down

Before I bust a vessel in my brain

And she said please no dont stop

And I said I caught a cramp

And she said please keep on goin

I said my leg is about to crack

Then she cries out

Oh my goodness, I'm about to climax

And I said cool


Just let go of my leg

She says you're the perfect lover

I said I cant go no futher

Then I flip back the cover

Oh my God, a rubber...

Chapter 5 :

And now, I'm like

Well, well, well

What the fuck is this

A condom in my bed

Ya better start talkin, bitch

'Fore I take a match and

Burn this muthafucka down

I said you better start talkin

And start talkin right damn now

Then she said baby

I'm so speechless

Then I said my baby

You gone be breathless

If ya dont start talkin quick

Woman, I'm gone have a fit

You dont know what ya fuckin wit

Girl ya better cut the bull shit

Now its obvious somebody has been all up in my home

In my bed, and plus I smell cigarettes

Now and sniffin and lookin around

Suspicious like someone's here

Then I looked in her eyes and in her eyes

There was so much fear

Pull out my gun said is he still here

She shook her head and said no

I'm checkin behind every door

She cried out he left right after you called

You thought that I wouldnt find this out

Then I said you must be crazy or on crack to have somebody off up in my muthafuckin house

She hopped up and said thats enough

She said I cant take no more

And then she said you made your point

But now its time to even the score

She said I know all about last night

And where you went when you left the club

Said thats right, nigga I was there

Wit this guy in the back of the club

I said I thought you was wit yo girls

She said I thought you was wit yo guys

She said you was at that bitch's house

And dont even try to act suprised

Said baby, she said shut up

Dont you say a word

It aint nothin you can say

That I aint already heard

Then I said woman, dont you try to turn it all around

Cause the fact still remains that someone else was in my house

Then she said you're right about that

Somethin did go down, but I dont have to turn it around

Cause what goes around comes back around

I'm movin a little closer to her

She's trippin over the furniture

She said wait first, just let me explain

I said no need to, just give me his name

And then she said uh... uh

I say uh what

She said please sit down in a chair

And I say no, I'm standin up

And she cries out I'm so scared to tell you because of what ya might do

And I screamed look girl you better give me this man's name and I'm not playin wit you

She says okay, wipes her nose and asks me about a girl named Tina

I thought to myself, said it sound familiar

I said I probably know her if I seen her

Then I say anyway girl, what the hell does that got to do with this man

She said he know my girl Roxanne

I said who the hell is Roxanne

Then she says Roxanne's a friend of mine who knew this guy named Chuck

Chuck's cool wit this guy name Rufus

And I'm sittin here like what the fuck

Then she says Rufus wife, Kathy

We both went to high school

She introduced me to

The policeman that stopped you

Publié par le .
TP-3 : Reloaded (2005)
Chanteurs : R. Kelly

Voir la vidéo de «Trapped In The Closet(1-5)»

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Vos commentaires

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Il y a 18 an(s) 10 mois à 19:57
ouai mais comme c'est mon explication je fais comme je veux
merci ka meme :d
Kells Il y a 18 an(s) 10 mois à 13:37
5955 2 3 5 Kells ah lol mais c'etait juste pour s'y retrouver voila tout...
le premier dvd live de R.Kelly sortira pendant le premier trimestre 2007 !! :-D <3
xty Il y a 18 an(s) 9 mois à 19:06
5286 2 2 4 xty je trouve ke tu as fais un bon travail mais la correction de kells en vaux le coup
Il y a 18 an(s) 9 mois à 01:42
xty h kells je ne t'agressais pas hein don't get me wrong en fait y'a un truc c'est qu'au debut c'est r.kelly qui parle et explique puis il devient le narateur plus tard
voila le pourquoi de ma modification
cobel....59 Il y a 18 an(s) 9 mois à 17:19
8047 3 3 4 cobel....59 Site web j'ai vu la video du 1 jusqu'au 5 ! merci pour la trad et l'explication !!
c une histoire de ouf!! 8-|
Reginald come back Il y a 18 an(s) 8 mois à 22:36
11683 4 4 6 Reginald come back Site web ahh sii cette musik est forte mé par contre la personne ki a fait la traduction a bien fé sont coup MDRRRRRRR commme par hasard o moment ou kelke chose se passe et bien la traduction se stop MDRRR mé merci kan meme pour le début sérieu moi meme jorai meme pas eu le courage de traduire 2chaptire alors toi 3 franchement respect :-\ chapo moi jai malheuresement pas encor vue le clipmé si la musik dure si longtemp rien ke avec les parole je me fait des image mé si je voit le clip ...mé franchement bravo pr la trad
Wee-Boo Il y a 18 an(s) 4 mois à 22:07
9322 3 4 6 Wee-Boo Site web Suiiite ? Merci quand même
hamatt Il y a 16 an(s) 10 mois à 11:07
5345 2 2 5 hamatt Grand merci pour la trad
franchement c de la bombe!
BlackSuga Il y a 16 an(s) 5 mois à 12:24
5535 2 2 5 BlackSuga Quelle idée de changer le nom ... ça devient incompréhensible ... Kells a tout a fait raison mais le mari de Kathy c'est Rufus et l'amant de Rufus c'est Chuck, pas le contraire ^^ Mais pour ceux qui voient pas le clip elle est impossible à comprendre ton explication ...
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