

Paroles et traduction de la chanson «Ship is Sinking» par Ye Banished Privateers

When I woke up this night ye ship was sinking
Lorsque je me suis réveillé cette nuit, le navire coulait
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
The lifeboat is wrecked and the ship is sinking
Le canot de sauvetage est brisé et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
The lookout is drunk and the ship is sinking
La vigie est ivre et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Fire is loose and the ship is sinking
Le feu est lâché et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

So cut off the ropes cause the ship is sinking
Allez ! Coupons les cordes car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
The captain’s marooned and the ship is sinking
Le capitaine est marronné et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
The riggin’s ablaze and the ship is sinking
Le gréement est en feu et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Cut the prisoners loose, cause the ship is sinking
Lâchez les prisonniers, car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Starboard is to the left, larboard now to the right,
Désormais, Tribord est à gauche et Bâbord est à droite
nowhere be land in sight, ship is sinking
Aucune terre en vue, le navire coule
The rudder be in a spin, water is flooding in
Le gouvernail est en vrille, l'eau déborde
ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Now spit in your hat cause the ship is sinking
Crachons dans nos tricornes car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Finish yer rum cause the ship is sinking
Finissons le rhum car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Sweet Molly me love the ship is sinking
Mon amour Douce Molly, le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
I curse you Marlene for the ship is sinking
Je te maudis Marlène car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Learn how to swim cause the ship is sinking
Apprenons à nager car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Take off yer boots cause the ship is sinking
Enlevons nos bottes car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Man all the pumps, cause the ship is sinking
Tous les gars aux rames, car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Climb fer the nest, cause the ship is sinking
Grimpons à la vigie, car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

All hands on deck cause the ship is sinking
Tout le monde sur le pont car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Gangplank fer all cause the ship is sinking
Tous sur la passerelle de débarquement car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Swabboy be captain when the ship is sinking
Quiconque est capitaine quand le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Settle yer debts cause the ship is sinking
Réglez vos dettes car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Swallow yer hat, cause the ship is sinking
Avalons nos tricornes, car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Say all yer prayers cause the ship is sinking
Faisons toutes nos prières car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
Abandon all hope cause the ship is sinking
Abandonnons tout espoir car le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule
and shiver me timbers the ship is sinking
Le bois tremble et le navire coule
Ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Starboard is to the left, larboard now to the right,
Désormais, Tribord est à gauche et Bâbord est à droite
nowhere be land in sight, ship is sinking
Aucune terre en vue, le navire coule
The rudder be in a spin, water is flooding in
Le gouvernail est en vrille, l'eau déborde
ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Starboard is to the left, larboard now to the right,
Désormais, Tribord est à gauche et Bâbord est à droite
nowhere be land in sight, ship is sinking
Aucune terre en vue, le navire coule
The rudder be in a spin, water is flooding in
Le gouvernail est en vrille, l'eau déborde
ship is sinking down
Le navire coule

Contenu modifié par Kvin Alberola

Publié par 77707 4 4 7 le 2 août 2020 à 9h09.
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